function ps_round(value, precision) { if (typeof (roundMode) == 'undefined') roundMode = 2; if (typeof (precision) == 'undefined') precision = 2; method = roundMode; if (method == 0) return ceilf(value, precision); else if (method == 1) return floorf(value, precision); precisionFactor = precision == 0 ? 1 : Math.pow(10, precision); return Math.round(value * precisionFactor) / precisionFactor; } function ceilf(value, precision) { if (typeof (precision) == 'undefined') precision = 0; precisionFactor = precision == 0 ? 1 : Math.pow(10, precision); tmp = value * precisionFactor; tmp2 = tmp.toString(); if (tmp2[tmp2.length - 1] == 0) return value; return Math.ceil(value * precisionFactor) / precisionFactor; } function floorf(value, precision) { if (typeof (precision) == 'undefined') precision = 0; precisionFactor = precision == 0 ? 1 : Math.pow(10, precision); tmp = value * precisionFactor; tmp2 = tmp.toString(); if (tmp2[tmp2.length - 1] == 0) return value; return Math.floor(value * precisionFactor) / precisionFactor; } function formatedNumberToFloat(price, currencyFormat, currencySign) { price = price.replace(currencySign, ''); if (currencyFormat == 1) return parseFloat(price.replace(',', '').replace(' ', '')); else if (currencyFormat == 2) return parseFloat(price.replace(' ', '').replace(',', '.')); else if (currencyFormat == 3) return parseFloat(price.replace('.', '').replace(' ', '').replace(',', '.')); else if (currencyFormat == 4) return parseFloat(price.replace(',', '').replace(' ', '')); return price; } //return a formatted price function formatCurrency(price, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank) { // if you modified this function, don't forget to modify the PHP function displayPrice (in the Tools.php class) blank = ''; price = parseFloat(price.toFixed(6)); price = ps_round(price, priceDisplayPrecision); if (currencyBlank > 0) blank = ' '; if (currencyFormat == 1) return currencySign + blank + formatNumber(price, priceDisplayPrecision, ',', '.'); if (currencyFormat == 2) return (formatNumber(price, priceDisplayPrecision, ' ', ',') + blank + currencySign); if (currencyFormat == 3) return (currencySign + blank + formatNumber(price, priceDisplayPrecision, '.', ',')); if (currencyFormat == 4) return (formatNumber(price, priceDisplayPrecision, ',', '.') + blank + currencySign); return price; } //return a formatted number function formatNumber(value, numberOfDecimal, thousenSeparator, virgule) { value = value.toFixed(numberOfDecimal); var val_string = value + ''; var tmp = val_string.split('.'); var abs_val_string = (tmp.length == 2) ? tmp[0] : val_string; var deci_string = ('0.' + (tmp.length == 2 ? tmp[1] : 0)).substr(2); var nb = abs_val_string.length; for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) if (value >= Math.pow(10, (3 * i))) abs_val_string = abs_val_string.substring(0, nb - (3 * i)) + thousenSeparator + abs_val_string.substring(nb - (3 * i)); if (parseInt(numberOfDecimal) == 0) return abs_val_string; return abs_val_string + virgule + (deci_string > 0 ? deci_string : '00'); } //change the text of a jQuery element with a sliding effect (velocity could be a number in ms, 'slow' or 'fast', effect1 and effect2 could be slide, fade, hide, show) function updateTextWithEffect(jQueryElement, text, velocity, effect1, effect2, newClass) { if (jQueryElement.text() != text) if (effect1 == 'fade') jQueryElement.fadeOut(velocity, function() { $(this).addClass(newClass); if (effect2 == 'fade') $(this).text(text).fadeIn(velocity); else if (effect2 == 'slide') $(this).text(text).slideDown(velocity); else if (effect2 == 'show') $(this).text(text).show(velocity, function() { }); }); else if (effect1 == 'slide') jQueryElement.slideUp(velocity, function() { $(this).addClass(newClass); if (effect2 == 'fade') $(this).text(text).fadeIn(velocity); else if (effect2 == 'slide') $(this).text(text).slideDown(velocity); else if (effect2 == 'show') $(this).text(text).show(velocity); }); else if (effect1 == 'hide') jQueryElement.hide(velocity, function() { $(this).addClass(newClass); if (effect2 == 'fade') $(this).text(text).fadeIn(velocity); else if (effect2 == 'slide') $(this).text(text).slideDown(velocity); else if (effect2 == 'show') $(this).text(text).show(velocity); }); } //show a JS debug function dbg(value) { var active = false;//true for active var firefox = true;//true if debug under firefox if (active) if (firefox) console.log(value); else alert(value); } /** * Function : print_r() * Arguments: The data - array,hash(associative array),object * The level - OPTIONAL * Returns : The textual representation of the array. * This function was inspired by the print_r function of PHP. * This will accept some data as the argument and return a * text that will be a more readable version of the * array/hash/object that is given. */ function print_r(arr, level) { var dumped_text = ""; if (!level) level = 0; //The padding given at the beginning of the line. var level_padding = ""; for (var j = 0; j < level + 1; j++) level_padding += " "; if (typeof (arr) == 'object') { //Array/Hashes/Objects for (var item in arr) { var value = arr[item]; if (typeof (value) == 'object') { //If it is an array, dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' ...\n"; dumped_text += dump(value, level + 1); } else { dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' => \"" + value + "\"\n"; } } } else { //Stings/Chars/Numbers etc. dumped_text = "===>" + arr + "<===(" + typeof (arr) + ")"; } return dumped_text; } //verify if value is in the array function in_array(value, array) { for (var i in array) if (array[i] == value) return true; return false; } function resizeAddressesBox(nameBox) { maxHeight = 0; if (typeof (nameBox) == 'undefined') nameBox = '.address'; $(nameBox).each(function() { $(this).css('height', 'auto'); currentHeight = $(this).height(); if (maxHeight < currentHeight) maxHeight = currentHeight; 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